Children's Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School is a weekly program on Saturdays at 10 am. The sunday school is divided into several divisions according to the age group of the children. This is a very important ministry of our church as we train our children in the Word of God from this ministry.

Adult Sunday School
Youth Sunday School is a Bible study class for our youth. Every Saturday morning at 10am, the youth get together, and sing hymns, encourage each other, pray together, and study the Word of God. This is a great ministry among the young people of our church.

House Fellowships
We have weekly house fellowships in different areas of Kathmandu. Believers from each area get together and have Bible study together throughout the week. Believers invite their neighbors to these meetings. This has been an effective medium for soul winning.

KBC Ebenezer Choir
KBC Ebenezer Choir leads the congregational hymns in our church services. The choir is dedicated to singing for the glory of God! The choir sings and promotes godly hymns that will encourage and strengthen the believers.

KBC Ebenezer Missions
Our church is moving forward with the Lord’s Great Commission as its vision. We strive to preach and teach the Gospel in Kathmandu, all around Nepal, and even to different parts of the world. Our missionaries are laboring in different parts of the country in furthering the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Crown Nepal Bible College
Crown Nepal Bible College is a Bible training ministry of our church. The vision of this Bible college is to train Christian men and women to serve the Lord. The students are taught to study and teach the Word of God faithfully. This is the place where laborers are prepared for the harvest.
Please pray for our church ministries. May the Lord use our church for His glory and honor in a great way!